

Moscow: You set a goal - made a decomposition - prescribed a business plan - found people - arranged everyone - gave instructions - work hard.

Bali: You thought: “It would be fun ...” The next day the idea dawned on you, people found themselves, created the project in a stream, without stress and fierce time management. Everyone does what they like.

Moscow: You need a specialist - surfed Google - surfed  Facebook – investigated -  phoned your friends -  made posts in Workzilla - called again - compared - read reviews – made a choice.

Bali: You thought: “It would be nice ...” And then on Facebook  you come across a post of this very specialist, who is right now in Bali. And in an amazing way he is exactly the one you have been looking for.

Moscow: You went to bed at 11, woke up at 8 in the morning broken, all day around you walk worn out like a Mongolian beekeeper.

Bali: You had it large in the bar until 2 at night, got up at 6, at 6.30 you are already sitting on a board in the ocean, you look fresh and you feel cheerful.

Moscow: You need money - you work like a dog.

Bali: You thought: “it would be nice ...” Well then, I think, you got it :)

Bali is saturated with miracles and magic. You should go to the island with a request. Before travelling, think about what you want to leave with, answers to what questions to receive.  Bali will give hints, send signs and, when asked correctly, will always introduce the right people.

Freemocean is a project of exclusive author's travels under the auspices of Friends & Family, combining people with the same level of values. We sell not just travels, we create metamorphosis and unforgettable impressions.
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