Happiness is a choice
Happiness is a choice that has been turned into a habit for years of training. Happiness is not somewhere and not somehow, it is the main thing that exists in you now and here. It’s just buried under the cultural layer of installations, concepts, masks and ideas.
To make a choice in the direction of happiness, you first need to know yourself real, find ways to clean yourself from everything that is not yours and unnecessary. Yoga and meditation, mountains and the ocean let you hear your inner silence. And gradually, at first quiet and timid, then more and more distinctly and clearly your true voice begins to sound in it. It will tell you about books read in childhood about distant countries, remind you of a casually seen film from Cousteau's Odyssey, make you remember once inadvertently frightened dreams.
At first you get scared - because this voice is calling into some kind of open space, about which you once forbade yourself to forever even think about ... And while it will tell you stories, in the middle you will realize that all the discomfort that you had experienced before was with you in order to pay attention to it, to the inner voice that points you - to you. It really cannot be drowned out or hidden. This voice reminds you of what you are really looking for. And if you find ways to listen to it more often, if you develop the ability to hear it in the midst of other people's noise, it will tell you which turns to take in order to quickly arrive at happiness.