
How to learn another language?

Is “Nah, I’m not capable of languages, I don’t remember anything and in general it’s not mine,”  familiar?

Experienced teachers say that everyone can learn a foreign language. What is the secret?

M - Motivation. If it is not, then you cannot bother at all and live on without language. And you don’t need to demand that someone picks it up for you - this is the work of your hands / heads. Motivation can simply be the pleasure of being able to say a few words in a language. If this is not very stimulating, set a goal - buy tickets to the country of the language you are studying for the summer or sign up for an exam.

C - Constancy. Can you lose weight by 20 kg, develop muscles and become a fitness bunny  in a month? The same thing is with a language.  In July your sledge remember, and your tongue in December. The brain has a certain amount of RAM, and you cannot square the circle in a month. Give yourself time to delve into the language and remember the words. The main thing here is constancy! Take two or three lessons per week + homework (well, you want to learn the language quickly?) and you will be happy!

PP - Repetition. Yes, yes, it’s  the “mother of learning”! Usually, a learned word passes into a long-term memory from “operational” only when it is repeated 20 times in different situations. And if you open the textbook 1 hour after the lesson and read everything that you went through at the lesson, then the material you have learned will be better remembered.

S - Speak! We have two centers of speech in our brain - one is responsible for its perception, the other - for production. You can even read books and watch films in a foreign language until you turn blue, but you can learn to speak only by talking. Find your “conversational friend” on the Internet. At worst, repeat all the dialogues and words ALOUD. So they will be remembered better.

D - Do not be tormented by feelings of guilt or shame: “Joe Redneck has learned it in a month, and I’ve been a mummy`s little fool!” Stress leads to the release of the hormone cortisol, which “blocks” the brain, and you begin to dull even more. Don't worry, be happy!

Freemocean is a project of exclusive author's travels under the auspices of Friends & Family, combining people with the same level of values. We sell not just travels, we create metamorphosis and unforgettable impressions.
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