The ocean and the mountains will not let you lie to yourself anymore
When you are already in your thirties and you have seen a lot, you have visited a lot, it is no longer interesting to collect countries and cities. After a certain number of pages used in your passport, you no longer travel - you hit the road.
Venture a journey with a definite and clear goal: to learn something new, reboot systems and see the world with a fresh look, change the picture for a while to return with new ideas and a new solution for old problems or get a charge of emotions and freshness of perception, feel yourself again living, flexible, ever-changing, not subject to time, depression and the so-called age, which is just a symbolic figure in your documents.
Travelling is not only a way to see the new, but also to redefine the old. After spending a couple of weeks with a small backpack behind you, you ask yourself, are there so many things that I really need? After all, if we open a cupboard at home, each of us will find out that we keep at least a third of things in case we suddenly lose our minds. And if you look honestly in a notebook, you can find in it at least as many numbers that you will never call back, and emails that you won’t write to.
Travelling expands the boundaries within the head, and somewhere breaks them. Every departure from a familiar place to an unfamiliar one is experienced by consciousness as a small death. And every time after a real trip, not buying a tourist package from a tour operator, our life really changes. After all, we, the inhabitants of megacities, have been taught that life is a battle, and fatigue is wonderful, that it is an indicator of successful work. We have been told that eternal busyness is an indicator of our importance to the world.
Despite everything, we affirm: “Free time is a real indicator of your status,” and real life begins after acceptance, oneself, as it is, and events without trying to paint them black or white, like those that just happen and always lead to the new.
Having returned from a trip, you often review your to-do list and priorities because the ocean and mountains will not let you anymore lie to yourself about what is really important. And then, drop by drop, happiness seeps into your day. And suddenly there is time for a cup of coffee in the middle of Monday and a smile that was born deep in the heart and reflected in the mirrored window of the café