
Travel financial security

Everyone and his brother write about how to save on travel. We are sure that you have already known how to get deer and dogs from Tagil to Singapore for free. We’ll tell you about how to ensure that you don’t lose all your stocks while riding deer or dogs in Asia financial security when travelling (especially for long trips).

This is IMPORTANT  because to stay  without money in an unfamiliar country is another quest.  It is checked!

What you need to know about bank cards:

  • Before traveling, make several cards of different banks (you can also use different currencies), install their mobile applications on your phone;
  • Buy an additional SIM card and connect a mobile bank to it (in case the main one is stolen or lost);
  • Do not insert cards anywhere. Only in reliable ATMs - those that are at a bank branch and with security. Avoid ATMs on busy tourist streets - readers can stand there;
  • It is advisable not to carry the card with you. But if you take it, keep a minimum of money on it, which is not a pity to lose. If you go to an ATM to withdraw a large amount - right before that transfer the necessary amount of money to the card through the application;
  • Do not conduct online banking operations with public wi-fi enabled. You run a lot of risk with money and data. Do this only through the mobile Internet (buy a local SIM card). If it is not, ask your friends to give out Wi-Fi from the phone;
  • After each trip to the ATM change the PIN code;
  • Always carry the hotline number of the bank with you (it is advisable to know it by heart) in case your card is stolen and you need to immediately block it. Also remember the code word - the operation will not work without it;
  • Put some money in advance on Skype - this will significantly reduce the cost of international calls (in case of negotiations with the bank) and will not disturb your inner Scrooge next time: "Stay on the line, your call is very important to us ...";
  • Seal the last 4 digits on the card and the CVC code on the back with white plaster. Photographic memory scammers will be less likely to copy data;
  • Keep the card in sight. Do not give into the hands of waiters, cashiers, etc. when calculating;
  • After travelling to a suspicious country, CHANGE all cards. Especially those that were inserted into the ATM. And remember - it’s better to overdo it than to underdo it!

As for cash, then:

  • Do not store all eggs in one basket. Otherwise you take the risk of being left without eggs :) Spread the money in the hidden corners of your suitcase and clothes, shove some in an unexpected place like a soap dish or dirty socks. By the way, well-worn socks are the best guard against a theft, it is proved! If you don’t have ones, borrow them!
  • Write down where you hid the money (you can use symbols that are understandable only to you), and save it in the cloud;
  • A safe does not guarantee any security. If you want to store cash there, seal it in an envelope, and write the exact amount and currency on the top. This will reduce the likelihood of a theft;
  • Change money only in official exchangers. And immediately carefully count the money received (right in front of the cashier). Craftsmen may try to swindle you over a small sum;
  • Carry only the sum you need today. There is no need to take on an excursion or a party the entire annual budget - it blows from failure;
  • For long journeys, keep cash in a flat purse-belt, a chest pouch or a belt with a secret. The main thing is that these parachutes do not stick out from under the clothes. Keep the wallet with the minimum sum of money in your bag - for small purchases and in case of robbery, so that you immediately give it to the bandits and be off the hook.
Freemocean is a project of exclusive author's travels under the auspices of Friends & Family, combining people with the same level of values. We sell not just travels, we create metamorphosis and unforgettable impressions.
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