
True freedom is in honesty

Just being honest with yourself is already a lot, to know how strong you are and what are your really weak points, to understand and hear yourself, to follow your true desires, to live your life, not the one that was invented for you by parents, colleagues, teachers and marketers. If you are honest with yourself, you understand, accept and love - yourself, and everyone else, the whole world, as yourself.

To be honest, we go to the mountains. Here the body never lie to anyone. And the feeling of self-importance, bloated in offices and at parties, suddenly disappears somewhere in the background of the Himalayas, giving way to something else that out of habit you can’t even find words for. Just one day at dawn, your whole being will be filled with light, crystal clarity and love. And you will find out again who you are and why you are here.

On the fifth day of the hike, having passed a snowy pass, you will realize that you can more than you have  always thought about. And you will remember that the meaning of life is simply to live it and that to fill every day with important things for you should do no other than you yourself. And that only you and it is you who is able to make yourself happy.

Margo Becker
Author Margo Becker
Freemocean is a project of exclusive author's travels under the auspices of Friends & Family, combining people with the same level of values. We sell not just travels, we create metamorphosis and unforgettable impressions.
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